Акустические Контрольные Системы

Приборы для неразрушающего контроля металлов, пластмасс, бетона. Разработка, производство, поставка.

(495) 800-74-62


Modernized low-frequency ultrasonic tomograph A1040 MIRA


Dear colleagues! 

Our company has modernized the low-frequency ultrasonic tomograph A1040 MIRA

Tomograph has got an updated shockproof body with measuring scale for easy detection of defects relative to the position of the device. A1040 MIRA is equipped with a built-in LiFePol battery with increased charge / discharge cycles, which leads to increasing of reliability of the tomograph during prolonged use.

Modernized tomograph A1040 MIRA has improved specifications and new features. This version of A1040 MIRA allows using laser beams which are projected onto the surface of the inspected object, allowing the operator to observe the correct permutation step of the device in process of complete technical diagnostics of the object. 

Please note that A1040 MIRA is in stock now

Additional information can be obtained by phone: +7 (495) 984-74-62 or by E-mail: vasp@acsys.ru
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