Акустические Контрольные Системы

Приборы для неразрушающего контроля металлов, пластмасс, бетона. Разработка, производство, поставка.

(495) 800-74-62


Modernization of transducers S5096


Dear colleagues! 

Our company has completed technological modernization of transducers S5096 5.0А70D6CS intended for inspection of weld joints and used with ultrasonic flaw detectors A1211 MiniA1212 MASTER and A1214 EXPERT

Modernized transducers S5096 have improved specifications, providing high stability and reliable measurements on inspected weld joints when performing the ultrasonic flaw detection. 

The body of the transducers has been revamped with improved ergonomics, and a working surface of the prism is located on one level with body that allowed to increase the durability of the prism. 

From 01, February 2016 new transducers S5096 5.0А70D6CS will be included in the basic delivery kits of the  ultrasonic flaw detectors, produced by "Acoustic Control Systems" Ltd

Additional information can be obtained by phone: +7 (495) 984-74-62 or by E-mail: ns@acsys.ru

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