Акустические Контрольные Системы

Приборы для неразрушающего контроля металлов, пластмасс, бетона. Разработка, производство, поставка.

(495) 800-74-62


New advertising booklet


Dear Sirs! 

We would like to present you a new booklet of the ultrasonic flaw detector - tomograph A1550 IntroVisor

The booklet contains the specifications and describes the functionality and features of the device. 

A1550 IntroVisor - is a multipurpose portable ultrasonic flaw detector-tomograph with digitally focused array and tomographic data processing for testing of metal and plastic. It provides inner structure visualization of the object of inspection in a form of a real-time graphic and authentic cross-section image. 

You can get acquainted with the new booklet by clicking on the link.
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