Акустические Контрольные Системы

Приборы для неразрушающего контроля металлов, пластмасс, бетона. Разработка, производство, поставка.

(495) 800-74-62


New Product Catalogue


Dear colleagues!

We offer you an updated catalog of products of ACSYS Ltd.

PRODUCT CATALOGUE traditionally contains details of the manufactured devices and transducers.

Among the new products presented on the pages of the catalog - noncontact ultrasonic scanner-flaw detector А2075 SoNet, upgraded ultrasonic flaw detectors A1212 MASTER and A1214 EXPERT, as well as tiny ultrasonic flaw detector A1211 Mini.

For more information, please call (495) 984-74-62 or send e-mail: vasp@acsys.ru
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